How to Make Your Online Business More Effective and Profitable

mar anto on Sep 17, 2021 in Uncategorized

The rapid development of digitalization in Indonesia has a positive impact on business owners. Utilization of the internet for various business activities makes it easier for them to complete business transactions and expand market share. In addition, the use of technology that focuses on digitization can make it easier for buyers to fulfill their needs online.

With the COVID-19 pandemic situation hitting the world economy, digital transactions are predicted to be able to increase opportunities for business owners to expand market segmentation with minimal costs. The all-online transaction process, expeditions that reach to remote villages with a faster and more effective delivery process make businesses focus on sending goods to customers.

This of course has an impact on the business as a whole. It can be said, the potential for online business in this current era is very profitable. That’s why, business owners need to make the best of it so that their online sales are increasingly in demand.
Unfortunately, not all business owners are able to see this opportunity. There are still many of them who do not maximize digital sales in order to gain profits. Let’s find out how to make your online business more effective and profitable in the following article!

1. Set the Business Planning Strategy

The online business tips for profit that you need to apply is to make sure that your business has the right business plan. With the right strategy and market segmentation, you can measure opportunities in that niche market and gain multiple profits without the need for extra effort.

By determining the niche market as specific as possible, you have the opportunity to attract as many buyers as possible. Because people are less likely to find what they need elsewhere. You also don’t have to compete with more general competitors, so you can quickly find a regular customers to your business.

2. Give Promos

Who doesn’t like promos? It seem like everyone does. To make your business profitable, you can try to include promos and discounts in your marketing strategy. This online business trick can attract potential buyers to shop at your online store.

However, you need to think of a strategy so that a buyer will become a regular customer. Don’t let them only shop at ypur store during promos. If that’s the case, you need an extra effort so that the profits can cover the cost of the promo.

In order to make the buyers become regular customers, you need to pay attention to ‘after sales’. Keep in touch with your customers and inform them that your business service does not stop until the transaction ends. You can also offer a loyalty program so that customers will come back to transact with your business.

3. Create an Interesting Store Display

In an online business, how you store looks is one of the most important things you need to pay attention to since most buyers are more concerned with visuals when shopping. If your online store looks messy, people will lose interest and discouraged to buy your product.
Therefore, make the display of your store and your products as attractive as possible so that people are interested in visiting. Also make sure the website design is user-friendly so that it can be easily accessed by many people. The display and features of a website that look professional can increase customer trust and increase the chance of customers to make purchase at your online store.

4. Provide Easy Payment Options

The long check-out process can discourage potential buyers from transacting at your store. Isn’t it very time consuming when you want to buy something and you have to wait for the seller’s response and send screenshots one by one? Not to mention when you want to buy expensive items and there is installment service.
That’s why you need to provide various payment options so that customers can easily complete payment transactions. The more payment options available in your online business, the richer your shopper’s online shopping experience will be.

To respond to this, you can provide direct payments on the website by integrating a payment gateway feature. Payment Gateway is a technology that functions as a connecting channel between a holding account to the platform where you make transactions. Later, the payment system will be automated so you don’t have to bother matching the transfer receipt with the mutation list.
In choosing a payment gateway you want to integrate into your website, you need to ensure that the payment gateway has obtained an official permission from Bank Indonesia and is equipped with a Fraud Detection System, so that transactions in your online business are more secure and trusted.
Remember, whatever the transaction is, Duitku is the solution!

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