4 Ways of How Payment Gateway Helps You Boost Your Online Sales

mar anto on Sep 16, 2021 in Uncategorized

The complicated and time-consuming online payment process can make customers lose interest in shopping at your online store because they don’t want a hussle when all they want to do is to purchase.

According to a survey done by Salesforce, 79% of shoppers think that the shopping experience from a brand is as important as the products and promotions offered by the brand. This starts from the product selection process to a seamless and continuous purchasing process. Three out of four shoppers admit that an easy checkout process is an important factor that supports their good shopping experience.

“Three out of four shoppers admit that an easy checkout process is an important factor that supports their good shopping experience.”

One way to offer a seamless shopping experience is to add a payment gateway to your website to process payments automatically and in real time. A fast, safe and easy payment process makes a customer’s online shopping experience more enjoyable so that it will encourage customers to buy your products.

What is Payment Gateway?

Payment Gateway is a technology to make it easier for your business to accept online payments from websites or online apps. A payment gateway functions as a channel that connects your holding account to the platform where you make transactions. Not only for accepting payments, using a payment gateway has many advantages and benefits to support your business transaction process. Here’s some of them.

1. Provide various choices of payment methods for customers

Let’s say a customer have their balance saved in ‘red’ bank account, but the shop only accepts payments from the ‘blue’ bank… One of the reasons potential buyers are reluctant to make a purchase is the lack of payment methods offered. However, with a payment gateway, you can provide various payment methods without being complicated.

Simply connect your website or application to the payment gateway you choose, and you can directly receive payments from various banks, e-wallets, to supermarkets/retails. One integration for all payment lines. Customers will have more choices to make online payments.

2. Provide a choice of credit or installment payments safely

This is suitable for you with a fairly high product price. Sometimes a customer hesitates to buy your product because they can’t pay in cash. One way to overcome this is to offer credit or installment payments so that your product is easily accessible to various segments.

With a payment gateway, you can directly connect with a bank or installment service provider without a credit card. A payment gateway system is also equipped with a built in fraud detection system so that your transactions are guaranteed to be more secure. The more customers who have access to buy your products, the more your sales will increase!

3. Minimize Transaction Errors so that orders are processed quickly

Doesn’t it annoy you when you’ve been waiting for your online order and when you check it hasn’t been delivered to you because you transferred a wrong amount of money?

Customers often enter the wrong transaction nominal so that the transaction process takes longer. A payment gateway is able to minimize transaction errors because the nominal transaction will automatically appear at check out and payment. Even if you make a payment by bank transfer, the account number that you enter into internet banking will load the nominal amount of the purchase automatically. Later, the customer just have to pay according to the nominal so you don’t have to worry about inaccuracy in the payment nominal when making a payment.

4. Increase buyer trust on your website or application

An automated checkout process can increase customer’s trust in your online store, especially if your payment line is connected to major local banks or well-known e-wallet providers.

You can easily add this feature by adding a payment gateway directly on your website. With an easy checkout process and orders that are immediately processed, customers will be more confident to shop on your website or online app.

So, those are the review of the benefits of a payment gateway to support your shopping experience and the seamlessness of your online business transactions. Nowadays, many companies offer payment gateway services in Indonesia. Check here (hyperlink to the next article page) for tips on choosing the right payment gateway for your online business.

Make sure the payment gateway you choose has an official permission from Bank Indonesia and meets international security standards such as Duitku (hyperlink to the homepage).
You got issues with your business transactions? Let Duitku take care of it!

Source : brandlock, (hyperlink ke https://brandlock.io/what-shoppers-want-from-their-online-customer-journey-with-a-brand/), diva-portal (hyperlink ke http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1320654/FULLTEXT01.pdf )

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