Get to Know the 5 Most Popular Digital Payment Methods for Online Store

mar anto on Sep 17, 2021 in Information

As time goes by, online shopping has become a common thing to do. Besides being more practical, online shopping offers a wide selection of products so that customers can find the products they like.

In addition, the various types of digital payment methods also make it easier for customers to make transactions. In just seconds, payment transactions can be made quickly, the seller doesn’t need to meet the buyer to confirm the transaction.

Nowadays, there are many types of digital payments that you can choose to meet your transaction needs. What are they? Let’s get to know the 5 most popular types of digital payment methods for online store in the following article!

1. Credit Card

Credit card is one of the options often offered when you want to make online transactions. The process is fast and carries the concept of ‘pay at the end of the month’, allowing you to buy the items you need without paying in full.

Besides that, credit cards with the logo of Visa, MasterCard, and Amex allow buyers to make cross-border transactions. Just look for the item you want in e-commerce, complete the transaction with a credit card, and wait for the item to arrive in your home.

Another benefit is some credit cards often provide 0% installments. 0% installment is a scheme that allows buyers to pay in installments without having to pay additional fees or without large interest. If their cash flow is maintained, customers will definitely be happy.

2. Bank Transfer

In Indonesia, the payment method via bank transfers on m-banking is the most commonly used one. With only a bank account and smartphone, buyers can make transactions by making a transfer and the balance will go directly to the seller’s account.

Previously, payments via bank transfer required customers to make transactions at ATMs, now everything can be done on the internet anywhere and anytime.

3. E-wallet

With a QR code or push notification system, customers can make transactions with their smartphone. Later, the payment will be automatically confirmed by the system so that customers can experience an easy, fast, and practical shopping experience.

Because the use of e-wallet is still relatively new in Indonesia, there are still many promos launched from this digital wallet service provider to support the socialization of the use of e-wallet in Indonesia. So, don’t miss this opportunity!

4. Credit Payment

Unlike credit cards, credit payments involve merchants who have collaborated with credit payment service providers to make payment transactions. This digital payment method is very practical. Customers only need to register online with an Indonesian ID card to determine the amount of the allowed limit. With registration requirements that are easier and more affordable for all kind of groups of people, installment payments without a credit card are predicted to be increasingly in demand.

5. Direct Debit

Direct debit is an electronic payment method that allows banks to automatically withdraw money from the customer accounts to make payment in a transaction.

By using the Direct Debit feature, customers only need to register the card once. For the next transaction, the customer only needs to enter the one time password (OTP) code they receive.

Well, that’s a variety of online store payment methods you can choose. Since digital payments are in demand, it would be great for your online store to start accepting digital payments from now on because various payment methods will make it easier for your customers to make transactions.

To accept digital payments, you need to integrate your online store with a trusted payment gateway like Duitku. Offering a digital payment method with a trusted security system, Duitku is here to help you integrate a payment system smoothly, safely, and automatically. With Duitku, you don’t have to do your work twice harder when customers make mistakes in a transaction.

Let’s use Duitku payment gateway to simplify your business transactions now!

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Contact our customer service available 24/7 or register to start using Duitku right now.